I'm Down!

Monday, December 18, 2006

I love the first week of WW. You can almost always count on a water loss, so it's usually your biggest drop. I wasn't very good, since there are so many goodies available at this time of year, but I tried to not eat so much at meals and to not eat between meals. Lots of gum chewed here.
I took a scientific approach to my weigh-in....5 out of 8 times and you can call it your current weight, right? Anyway it showed up as 156 about 5 times, so that's what I'm claiming.

Curtis has been sick and I seem to have caught it too. I'm all congested and my ears and teeth are starting to hurt. I hope I'm not too sick to go do Ford's class party tomorrow since I'm the one in charge of it and have all the activities. I'll be really glad when tomorrow is over. I know we'll have homework over the break but it'll be nice to have a brain rest.....my brain gets more strain trying to remember what they all have due than theirs do.

I hope the weather stays good for this weekend...I so want you to come to the Helquist get-together. It's always fun, but it's great to have you all there with us.

Hooray Mom, on getting some of your painting and redo-ing done. I need to follow suit, but still waiting on furniture. I really can't decide where to hang pictures and put the shelf until I get the furniture and see how it fits into the living room. Also, because the furniture is black, I'm not sure now if I want to paint the shelf black or something else.....Maybe red or a willowy green to match the hanging basked I have in the kitchen. I don't know, I stink at making such life-changing decisions. LOL!

Well, I'm going to go feed Soren and myself. Have a great day!


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