I guess I'm still alive

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Well, I guess I'm back among the living--me and my 6 inch battle wound. Thanks to Mom for pitching in and saving me while I was in the hospital and in pain.

Nothing much going on here other than all the snow. Wow, I can't remember having this much snow. It's been a while. Unfortunatly, my kids left their sleds on the front lawn before the last 12 inches fell, so now they can't find them and go sledding when it's such perfect sledding weather.

Well, I'm planning on taking Jim & the kids to San Antonio for spring break this year. We're going to fly down (I think) and go to Sea World and the ocean at Corpus Christie and the Alamo and the Riverwalk. It should be a lot of fun. Kevin is planning on moving up here as soon as possible, so this will be about the last time we'll be able to go when there's someone to stay with and someone to take us around and play tour guide.

Hope everyone is doing good. Take care

Another Week Down!

Saturday, February 02, 2008

Hey, just checking in. Wondering what everyone is up to these days.

Wendy-were you guys able to get moved in this weekend like you had planned? I was thinking about you today and wishing we could be of more help to you. Did all your lights make it home okay last weekend?

Karla-are you recovering? I'm sorry you had to have the old "cut 'er open" type of appendectomy. At least you have a scar in the proper place now. All my scars are on every other part of my abdomen except the part that covers where the appendix would be located.

Stacy-What's new? Wendy told me you're trying to put together a team for that long, crazy race. Do you have nothing else to do? Just kidding. I'm so amazed at how much you have taken to running. I keep trying it, but I just don't like it.

Mom and Dad-Did you get the porch project finished? I'm sure you have a few more things going as well. Jordan has his interview with the Stake President tomorrow, so hopefully his papers will be submitted this week. How long does it take to get a call? Anyone know? We'll let you all know when we get it.

I spent all morning/early afternoon watching President Hinckley's funeral. It was nice. I can't remember them ever televising a funeral before. Have they and I just missed it?
Then I ran to the library, to Cami's baptism and shopping. That's literally all I got done today, and I'm exhausted. I think it's more emotional exhaustion. I cried and laughed all through the funeral. I don't know why, because I'm happy for him, but I will miss him and his cute little ways of doing things. We got the Durango back again, there was a crack in something that let all the grease in the transmission leak out as it heated up. They fixed it and it's working this time. And it was all covered by warranty too! Hallelujah! Now I feel as if I can trust it and can make those dental appointments the kids need. I hated to take the Suburban and leave C with only the little truck. Montana has an ortho consult on Tues. Any guesses on what his treatment will cost? We could start a little family pool of guesses.....

Well, it's late and I better hit the hay. I have to get up and get my visual aids ready for Primary. I am such a procrastinater. What else is new? Have a loverly Sabbath.
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