Don't pass out....I know it's been a while!

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Yes, I am still checking the blog...just not doing my part at contributing! So for the quick up-date: we got our building permits today...Paul is a week to 10 days out!
we finalize Laila on June 14th at 10:15 in Salt Lake.....and the temple is scheduled for
thurs. July 5th around 4 pm in Monticello ......dinner after! More details later...
we spoke to our attourney today....he is trying to be respectful of us just wanting a
free cycle of in-vitro...but he said our case is so good he wants to "go for the throat".
I think he just wants a bigger pay check! I just hope we can get all of our expenses
covered and still go to the same team of Dr.s!
Well, that's us in a nut shell! Love ya'll

Oh, the agony!!

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Well, I was so excited to have a 5 day weekend. They were recarpeting and repainting my office so we had Thur & Fri off and then Monday for the holiday. So, I was going to work on pictures, scrap, etc---MY COMPUTER DIED!!! 3 years worth of photos--WWWAAAHHH!!!!

Right now, I want to hold a memorial service--and say, "Crap!! Now I can't post any more embarrasing photos of Stacy." But, on a brighter note--we think it's the motherboard, not the hard drive. So, we're hopeful that once that's replaced (yeah!! for Dell's 4 year warranty!) that my data will all still be there. I'll have you know, my next major purchase will be an external hard drive to back up my data and I'm going to burn DVD's of all my pictures and store them at Mom's house or something. I think I have a free safe deposit box at the bank I could use--hmm have to think on that one.

Nothing else going one. Peyton is sick and wants to play and swim with Allie and I won't let him so he's pretty upset with me. But, I guess he'll learn that life isn't fair. We finally found the culprit in the "Peyton's bedroom smells like pee" contest. I had shampooed the carpets, washed all the blankets, shampooed the mattress-and in desparation I drug the mattress out on the tramp to air dry for a few days--room still smelled like pee. His bean bag--he had slept on it and peed on it. So, I washed the cover and left the insides outside on the tramp for a few days--Voila!! No more pee smell!!

Allie placed in the top 10% in the nation on their standardized tests they have to take--She's mine after all! hehehe.

Well, It's time to go home. I'll try to update later, but without a computer, might be difficult

Love ya!

Cheese making story

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Go check out my blog to read about my cheese making attempt.....pretty typical of everything I try to do. LOL!!

Trying to keep cool. I am so on strike from cooking anything in the oven. My kids think the world is ending because I have not made or baked anything this week. Made them eat the leftover Ziti for supper tonight. I chose to eat a loverly chef salad instead, with spinach and lettuce from my own garden. Can I just tell you how fun it is to go into my garden and pick my own fresh greens? MMMMmmmmmmmmmmm!

Well, gotta go get kids started on showers. Ford talks in church tomorrow and Jordan gets to talk at Seminary Graduation. Fun! I had completely forgotten about seminary graduation til Curtis mentioned Jordan's talk. I can't believe he's really this old. Seems like last year when I was talking in Seminary graduation. eek!

Have a good night and a lovely Sunday!

One more down!

Friday, May 18, 2007

Yay! One more week done and only one more to go. We made it through Shakespeare week. Montana will be ever so glad to have the play over with. He said the moustache he has to wear and the stuff to take it off are awful. I'm anxious to go to the play tonight to see how he does. He's been a bit of a buggar about running lines, so I HOPE he has all of them memorized.

**Update: Just got home from the play and it came off fine. He hesitated a couple of times and he wasn't really 'dramatic' but he did fine and the play was good. That is so much memorizing of strange wording, I'm impressed that any of them remembered ANY of their lines. (still trying to figure out why it's hard for Montana to be dramatic when he is so much that way at home)

C and Ford went camping with the scouts tonight up Hobble Creek Canyon. We drove up that road a bit last night and took the road that leads you to Squaw Peak. We saw the most beautiful bull elk on the way. He had 4 points on one side and 5 on the other. He was probably only 60 feet from the road. Just stood and watched us drive by, then sauntered off into the trees. We also saw lots of hen turkeys, but no toms. It was so nice to get out of the city and into the mts. and it literally is just minutes from home. I'm ready to do a repeat of that Squaw Peak to Springville trip I took with Jordan 17 1/2 years ago, only with C this time.

Well, I'm bushed so I'm headed to my bed. I'm hoping to stay awake til J gets home from Sr. Ball, but we'll see if I make it or not. He's been gone most of today, it was the unofficial Sr. Sluff Day! Whatever! Good night!

Happy Mother's Day -- to all of us!!

Monday, May 14, 2007

Wow, it's weird to think that we're all mothers--I mean, I know that we've all be in the club for 5 years now, but it still seems weird sometimes. I think we're all doing a pretty darn good job. And it sure isn't an easy one.

I want our Mom to know how much I truly appreciate her. I don't know how she did it--raising 4 girls who have 4 very different personalities and having them all turn out to be good friends. They all have a deep love for the Lord and the Gospel. Most of all, I want Mom to know that she is my inspiration in life. I know I fall far short of coming up to her level of parenting. I can only dream of her levels of patience and energy, but I know what it is to have a good mom, and I've seen from the other side what it's like to have a mom that's not so supportive or protective. Mom, you did an amazing job, and continue to do so every day. I love you more than you'll know. I wish I knew how to show it better. But please know that I will forever be grateful for the life you've given me and my sisters, and continue to give to my children.

Nothing much going on right now. I'm trying to make heads or tails out of a bunch of emails on my map software that was sent out by three different people. Uh, could just one of you do it and give me a step by step, blow by blow list on how to do it?? AARRGGHH!!

We broke out the slip and slide on Saturday and the swamp cooler yesterday. I guess summer is finally going to start showing up. Allie had a friend over, Nathalie Reay, she's the new Dr.'s daughter. They laughed and giggled all day. They had a stuffed animal beauty pageant, made up a silly song that makes no sense and had a grand time. Wendy and the girls, chicken pox and all, came over and joined Peyton on the slippery slide. Those girls are a riot!!

The Jazz did an amazing job last night. I have a rough time watching sometimes because I don't like to watch them lose. But Golden State threw in a few very dirty, flagrent fouls that I didn't think were very nice. Luckily, no one seemed to be too damaged.

Well, I have to get back to work--love you all!


Friday, May 11, 2007

That's what the thermometer in my car read when I got in it to come home from the mall a few minutes ago. What happened to spring? I'm dying here, and at the present time no relief cause we can't put in the swamp cooler. Mom, can I come live with you for the summer?

We did however pick up our new windows today. So maybe we can get those in this weekend. Then a back door and we can go to town on framing and electrical and such. This is such a slow process when you try to do it yourself one day a week.

Mom, are you prepped for the Jazz game tonight? Got your couch warmed up and the Diet Pepsi cold? We had fun watching the last game. It sure was a good one. I hope they can hang with the Warriors and pull off another series win.

I know this was my year to just 'do' things, but I wimped out on the costume making. I just couldn't get them all done and Soren had too much fun with the serger, winding the thread around the thing that holds the thread up. I still haven't gotten it all untangled. So I borrowed some for this year and we'll make these up in time for next year. Then we'll have time to find some cool embellishments for them and make them beautiful.

9 1/2 more days of school, then pack like mad and wing our way to GA. The kids are WAY excited. I hope it meets their expectations. C's mom and dad kept asking us what kinds of things we wanted to do while there and we mentioned a few, but I think it is great to just be there and visit and not feel like we have to be running somewhere every second of every day!
Getting way excited about WY too. June is going to be fun, quick and tiring.

Well, enjoy the game and the weekend.
Love ya all!

Yea Jazz!!!

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

I am getting way to old to watch the basketball games when they are so close. We were so excited tonight to get a win. I surely hope dee Brown will be ok, also Fisher's daughter. They all seem like a classy bunch of players compared to some you read about and see on the other teams.

Ben went to the store after the game with me tonight to try to see what was going on with all our connections. We haven't been able to send faxes, or copy from the sewing computer for a week or so. It has been very frustrating as the McArthurs need to send lots of info to set up their accounts with all the suppliers. We were able to figure it out and everything seems to be working now. We do need to buy another bit of memory for the computer, but I will tell McArthurs about it and also what we can do to make things work better until they get that taken care of. We have been having toooooo many windows open and it is shutting the machine down and making the design part of the program click off in order to give all the power to the machines. Too many people pulling up designs and not closing them out. I'll give everyone the old 1-2 tomorrow and things will be better.

Actually I sorta get a day off tomorrow. They have 98 hats for Crowley and 48 for the City of Blanding, so they will be busy. I'm going to go long enough to put together the order for Eddie Allred for the summer little league, then I can work in my yard. yea!

We had a baby shower for Kristen Randolph Christensen last night in the RS room at the church. There was a pretty good turnout and lots of nice gifts. I'm ready for a break. We have gone from burying one of our ladies to doing a baby shower, and Ruth R. must be out of town, so we missed her birthday. She will not be happy with us, but oh well, we were ready to go to the temple with her, ( if she had talked to the bishop before announcing her plans, it would havae been much better for her) She is a little upset.

It is now 11:10, so it is nearly my bed time. I'll talk again later!
Love, Mom

I'll Go to the Shakespeare Fest with ya!

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Hey Karla, give me a couple of years to get Soren a bit less attached to me and I'll be ready and willing to head to Cedar with you for a week. Curtis isn't quite as dramatic about it as Jim, but I can tell he's not really excited to go there. I've been wanting to go since I moved back here. I do get to go to it this year with Montana's graduating class from school. I think we will see two plays in Cedar then head to Tuacahn for a play. Then we'll hit the temple to do some baptisms and head back. End of June I think. I can't wait.

I'm sure you'll get the whole studio thing figured out. It will just take some trial and error, possibly lots of error, but it'll happen. I thought the picture of Allie was very cute. I can't believe how big she is getting, and looking. Where did 'Baby Allie' go?

I think one of us will have to go to Stacy's house and personally set up her a Google account. I know Corbin could do it for her......Maybe if we pay him enough?

Well, better get a move on. Need to style the 'mop' and get ready to take Miss Sadiekins to school. Only 12 more days!!

Maps, Maps, Maps & more Maps

That's what I'm working on today. Taking acreage reports. Such fun. The Jazz game was fun to watch last night. Although I must admit that I changed the channel a lot. I hate watching them lose and I figured they would poop out at the end. The Warriors are such a fast team, and we are notorious for blowing it in the 4th quarter. And we didn't have Fisher. But, they pulled it off. Daron Williams is such a good player. And I think Kirilenko's arms are about 10 feet long.

Nothing going on around here, really. I took some pictures of Jami Bayles' son Cooper with my set up on Saturday. There are funky window reflections on the pictures somehow, and I needed to have the backdrop horizontal, not vertical. That kid was wwwaaayyy too active to stay in one place.

Well, school is about out. Kass, you sound like you've got a lot going on. That Shakespeare thing sounds fun. I went and saw "Twelfth Night" when I was a senior in high school. It's so funny. Shakespeare had a wicked sense of humor. Jim rolls his eyes into the back of his head and plays comatose every time I mention that I want to go to Cedar one summer and see a few plays. I miss them. I went to at least one play every summer I lived in Cedar. I really enjoyed them.

Stacy, how are you? Haven't heard from you in a while. I haven't taken the time to round up any more embarrassing pictures to post. Maybe if we all beg???

Got to get back to work. Have a good one! Love ya!


Monday, May 07, 2007

Karla, I really like the new look of the blog. I think I need to redo mine. It's old. But I'm too lazy to figure out how to change it. Not that anyone ever looks at it anyway.

This week feels so much less stressful than last already. Pretty much all I did today was sew on Nina's Shakespeare costume dress. Thanks Mom, for the use of your serger. It has really made the whole job quicker. I'm at the putting in the zipper part, then buttons and hems. It will look so pretty on her. I think tomorrow I will stop at Wallyworld and see what they have that would work for Hannah. Nicole let me borrow one for Sadie. I'll still make her one, but the pressure to have it done by Monday is gone.

Well, it's late and I'm tired, so off I go. See you tomorrow!

Studio Shots

Friday, May 04, 2007

Well, here's my first studio shot--I should have fixed her hair or something, but I just wanted to see what the lighting was like.

Not too bad. I need to iron my backdrop though. It's all wrinkly.

Been a quiet day here. I've really enjoyed it. Allie was playing up the street at Jamie's and Peyton had Kyle Bailey over and they were outside most of the day, so I watched my recorded copy of Grey's from last night--it was a 2 hour one.

I'm headed over to Mom's. Wendy and the girls are over there and my kids just went over so I better go make sure Mom's not going crazy.



Wednesday, May 02, 2007

YOU ASKED FOR IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Karla....Be Nice!!

Just for the record...I posted the other day and couldn't get it to show up!!! I don't know what I did wrong? Today has ended up a very productive day for me! I had a hard time falling asleep last night...feeling the stress of my 'to do' list....and my ever wandering mind..I caught myself remodling Stacy's master bathroom?...that was weird! Anyway, Tilly woke up not feeling so good this morning. I registered her for Kindergarten and took her to finish her imunizations..I think that is the cause of her being 'under the weather'! She has had a low fever since then and she threw up about 5 times this morning. So since I was stuck in the house taking care of her I have accomplished 5 loads of laundry(even put away), picked up my room, the girls room, scrubbed the bathroom, vacuumed, dusted, bathed the dog, cooked two different breakfasts, cooked one lunch, don't forget...took care of a sicky, and have just finished getting set up on mvelopes! YEAAAHHH -HAWW! I think I deserve a big shake from shake shack...oh, that would mean I would have to have money in my 'eating-out' envelope!!

Well, Ben and I got so excited watching the playoff game 4 that we bought tickets to game 6! We are crazy sometimes!! So I will be heading up north in the morning..ben will already be at Camp Williams..and we get to go watch the Jazz! I am excited..this will be my first time at a pro game of any kind! Paul is ready to get going on our house...our loan is at under-writting right now...hopefully next week there will be a big hole in the ground!

Anyway, love ya...sorry my last post didn't work..I don't remember what I had written about...must have been good! Love, Wendy

The gang's all here! (almost)

Wow, this blog seems to be coming back to life. I know you read this Stacy, cause every once in a while you make a comment about something on here, or recipes (wink, wink) so get your fanny in gear and get a google account so you can post!!!!!!
Mom, make Stacy play with us, please!

No rain here, just loverly sunshine. Hopefully not as hot as it has been, though. Got some more seeds planted in the garden and everything is doing really well. Maybe not my romaine, it's really slow, but all the rest looks great. I'm sure in a month or so I'll be sick of watering and weeding and by the time harvest rolls around, I will want nothing whatsoever to do with that garden. I'm so fickle.....but I keep telling myself I have to persevere so that I can actually put away some of the produce. We'll see who's stronger, my lazy side or my trying to 'do' side.

No pictures yet, Karla. I'd love you to come up and take some for me. Would you really do that? I'll pay ya a sitting fee and provide hotel service......I actually have pix of the kids from school that I can give Mom, but C and I really need one of us. Scary to think of .

Mom, sorry about banging up the car. That stinks. Glad it wasn't too bad though. Hannah is coming down with C. She has a dentist appt tomorrow morning at 8:30. Hope they can fix her up, or at least temporize it til we can get appts in June. I was trying to get by til then, but guess this one shouldn't wait. I'd hate to get to GA and have her get an abcessed tooth. That would be fun! Crossing my fingers that this time the business is sold for good. It seems like it will be good to just go and sew and not do the worrying over all the business stuff. Although, knowing you, I'm sure you'll do your share of that too.

Well, gotta go finish up Sadie's homework. Have a fantastic day!

Love ya

It's Raining!!

Hey, I woke up this morning and went outside to go to work and it had rained all night and it's still overcast and misty/drizzly today. I love days like today. I think I would love to live in England or Seattle where it rained a lot. I don't know why, I realize most people really like the sunny days, but I like the rainy ones.

Nothing new going on, really. I signed Peyton up for kindergarten yesterday and had to decide once and for all if I was going to finish his vaccinations. I decided I didn't dare. I went and filled out the exemption. I just can't do it. Every time I think of taking him to finish his shots, I remember so vividly him seizing on the living room floor. I've never been so scared in all my life. I honestly thought he was going to die. I know that seizures aren't usually life threatening and he hasn't had any in 4 years or so, but some of the literature I read on the immunizations say that if they do have a seizure reaction, it can turn into a full blown seizure disorder--with repeated episodes. I just can't do it. I guess we'll have to cross this bridge again when he's going to college or on his mission. Maybe he'll just have to serve stateside or something. That's fine, too. Ugg, being a parent and making possibly life altering decisions for your kids sucks sometimes!!

I bribed Allie last night. I told her I'd give her a dollar if she emptied the dishwasher and put the clean ones away and loaded the dirty ones that were in the kitchen into the dishwasher. I know that most kids just have stuff like that for chores, and normally she just helps so much but I guess I was feeling guilty about having her do stuff I think is my job, so I paid her a dollar. Win Win--we were both happy. Now I need to figure out how to get the kids to clean the bathroom really good and mop my kitchen floor. Maybe I should hire someone to come in once or twice a month and just clean those two rooms really good--they're the ones I hate to do. I'm so lazy!!!

Well, I'm going to be taking someone's senior pictures this weekend. I'm a little nervous. So, if any of you have any good pose ideas, let me know. Kas, did you get Jordan's done?? I should load my studio stuff in the car and come up there one of these weekends and take them for you and Mom says she needs new individual photos of you kids for her downstairs wall. Of course, she needs new ones of Peyton, too. She has his 6 month photo up. Allie's is current because it was this year's school picture. Why didn't I give her newer ones of Peyton? I took some, have them hanging on my wall at home. Oh well, I'm braindead most of the time, I've decided.

Stacy, just so you know, I think you're a bum for doggin us on this blog. It was a lot of fun there for a while--still is actually, I just think it would be funner if everyone was posting a least once a week (more preferably) but I'd take once a week.

Now, I'm working on a goofy picture of Wendy. I have one in mind, I just need to get it pulled up and resized for the web. LaRue, you're next!!!!

Well, I hope you all are having a good hump day. I'm taking tomorrow off work because I have to have an ultrasound at the hospital at 10, and then it's the George Wythe College picnic and Mom said I could go with her last ticket, so I'm going to go to that and take the whole day off!! Then I have Friday off so it should be a good weekend. I'm going to try to set up my studio lights in Mom's sewing room on Friday while she's working and take a few pics of the kids and see how they turn out. I am taking pictures for a Mother/Daughter activity in June and I need to work with the set up to make sure I know what I'm doing.

I guess I better get back to work--love you all!

here I am

I finally had Karla put my blog as my lead page so that I could find it, It keeps getting lost. I wish I were more computer smart, but I'm not. We are having a rainy day today. We love the moisture, but I'm wondering if George Wythe planned an alternative spot for their picnic tomorrow? I guess they will find somewhere to meet. The ground is wet and soggy, which is good. I'm not sure how much Karl and Curtis will be able to see either, but we'll see what tomorrow brings.

Tim and Angie took over yesterday. I am working with them. Trish will help whenever we need her. If I need to be gone, she can help them and if they need to be gone, she can help me. We are pretty busy right now, so that is good. Right now I am sewing some things here at the house, so Tim can use the machine at the store for hats. We have one machine still down and I called Rob Wood on Monday and on Tuesday and he hasn't called back to say when he can come and put the new part on.

Liz and I delivered invites to a baby shower for Kristen Randolph Christensen last night and I backed into a post. Have a little damage to the back bumper and broke the cap over the outlet for plugging in trailer lights. Always something!

Time to go to work. Talk to you later

Love ya, Mom
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