I wish I didn't know how to sew even a single stitch!
Monday, April 30, 2007
How is your week starting out??? Hope you have a good one. It's late and I want to sleep, so I'll check in tomorrow! Love ya!
OK-Stacy, It's your turn!
Friday, April 27, 2007
OK, Stacy, since it's been forever since you've blogged, it's your turn to have a family member embarrassed on the world wide web.
OK, now--at first glance, you might think--"What's embarrassing about that picture? It's darn cute!"
Yes, it is, but look closer---Zoe is hangin you the bird!!
Well, my studio lights came today--it's a much bigger set up than I thought it would be. I thought I'd be able to set it up in my living room, but not a chance. I'll have to use the garage or maybe see if Mom will let me use her sewing room and push the couch out of the way or something once in a while for a shoot. Eh, it's fun anyway.
Kassie, thanks for posting. I'm just spending waaaaayyyy too much time on the computer the last few days. But, it's 11:30 on a Friday night, kids are asleep, Jim is down working on his tractor, so here I sit. I think I'm about to head to bed though.
Hope you all have a nice weekend!! Love you!
Karla, love the pictures, thanks for sharing. I wish I knew how to add pictures to my posts better, but I just am such a dunce. I see the button to add a picture and I do, but it doesn't let me put it where I want it or add a caption where I want to. The latest thing I've used my camera for: took a picture of the sewing instructions for the vest I have to make for Montana's character in the play. I had to quickly cut out the material and get the pattern back to the school so someone else could use it. I don't have my scanner/printer any more and I was trying to figure out how I was going to get a copy of the instructions. Thought of typing them up, but it finally dawned on me to take a picture of them. Now I set the laptop on the table by my sewing machine and I can zoom in on the part I need to see. Works great, since I don't actually use it to take pictures much. (rolling eyes)
Well, better go figure out what in the world we are eating for dinner. I'm not hungry so nothing sounds good. Think anyone would notice if we just skipped dinner tonight? Yeah, Probably!
Cya! Have a great Friday!
Just because I found these pictures funny....
Thursday, April 26, 2007
I am going to keep posting embarrassing photos of my wonderful family daily until they start POSTING AGAIN!!!! I feel like I'm talking to myself. And remember, even if I don't have a photo of you doing something---I'm getting better at photoshop so you never know what you could show up on here one day doing----
My Little Cowboy
Noise, Noise, NOISE!!!
Well, the road in front of my office is all torn up. Yes, actually more than ususal! They are replacing a water line the length of the block and then they are going to repave the entire thing. YEAH!!! It's been pot hole heaven forever. It'll be really nice to have it redone. But right now I'm listening to a back hoe--beep, beep, beep--backing up!! I need one of those for me!
Nothing else going on in my life. I spent most of last evening going through photography websites and playing in photoshop. I've got my motivation and interest to learn more back! I'm so excited to play again. Finally!!
Well, I need to sign Allie & Peyton up for softball and t-ball. This should be tonz o fun! I hope they combine the boys & girls t-ball like they did when Allie was playing. I want Peyton & Tilly to be on the same team. That would be so cool!
I guess I better get back to mailing out reminder (aka babysitting letters) to my producers to come in and file their ANNUAL acreage report. They act like this is something new--Nope, you have to do it EVERY year to get program payments. Oh well, APS!!
Love you all--Wendy, thanks for taking care of Bert for me!! Much better.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
I found it online for $200 less than the first place I found it--So, I ordered it! Yah!! I'm gonna have my own little home photo studio. Fun fun.
It's snowing--it snowed all day yesterday and it's pretty cold today. I've not accomplished a darn thing to talk about since I saw you all. Jim's been busy buying parts for his tractor. Peyton took a header down the stairs last night. That was kinda scary. Allie is such a good helper. She does whatever I ask her to do to help around the house with almost no complaining.
I don't have anything to say, really. Just rambling at this point. Boris Yeltsin is dead. That's strange. Too much vodka, I guess. The Jazz can't hold a lead to save their keisters. Nothing else going on that I've been paying too much attention to. I'm reading a biography on King Henry VIII. Quite fascinating. I would have gone crazy in that climate--all the political intrigue and backstabbing that went on. Yeeesh! Sure fun to read about, though.
Well, I guess I better get back to work. I have a ton to do today. My head's already at a dull throb. This should be a fun day.
Back at it!
Monday, April 23, 2007
So tonight we are furiously working on science fair projects, tomorrow I'm sure we'll be furiously working on the posters and Wed we will be breathing huge sighs of relief that it's over for another year.
Thanks for the fun time. I wish the weather had been nicer, but I want you to know that I don't come home for the entertainment. Just being home with you all is treat enough for me. I love you all and am thankful to be part of this family. Mom and Dad, sorry about the computer/Ford. We have talked with him and things are being taken care of. Thanks for letting us know what you found. It started with popups on a gaming website. Stupid websites! I hope he understands the seriousness of this and will never be dumb enough to do it again. I worry, as he is often unable to exercise self-control. We will have to be extra vigilant with him now.
Hard to Fathom, huh???
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
What a tragedy for all involved. I feel as badly for the parents of the shooter as for the parents/families of the victims. In some ways I feel worse, knowing the guilt they will feel, even though they shouldn't. I hope that they are not negatively impacted. I know that was a concern for the Trolley Square shooter's parents right after it happened. That they would be ostracized and hated, but fortunately people reached out to them to help them too, and let them know they were cared for in their difficult time.
On a happier note, we took the kids to see Meet the Robinson's 3D today. It was SO cute, and the 3D part was way cool, and we looked extra COOL in our 3D glasses. It was us and 1 other guy in the whole theatre. Nice!!!
Well, better get to bed, so I can get up and going in the morning. Love you all and I'll see you tomorrow!
I am so ready for warm weather to stay. It is so nice when the girls play outside! I am anxiously waiting for our tax return...I want to get set up with m-velopes to pay bills and keep on top of our finances.
It is still looking like May for the adoption and the temple. I will keep you all posted when we know more.
We are getting closer to starting construction! We got to hear elk and cyotes(that doesn't look like it is spelled right???) while we were up on the property the other night! That was fun..and it made the girls a little nervous!
The girls and I are on our way up to West Jordan for Mikey's celebration tomorrow..and then back home on thursday. Sounds like we will all be home friday and saturday..fun fun!! Love you all....later!
Man's Inhumanity to Man
Monday, April 16, 2007
I thought Trolley Square was bad--only 5. I thought Columbine was bad--only 12. I'm not counting the shooters because in my mind, they don't count as tragedies. I guess I'm cold, and callous about it. Maybe I've been married to a cop too long, who knows? This is just so depressing. I want to go home and hug my kids and do everything I can to keep them 9 and 5 and keep them home.
Someday I hope I'll understand why God lets such bad things happen to good people. How can people who come from such perfection have so much hate and evil inside?
I don't know anymore. Not sure I want to.
Friday, April 13, 2007
Getting the beam put in today. YaY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Get to drive kids to the Bean Museum for the kindergarten field trip today. yay????????????
Get to make a weird cucumber dish for Nina's India Day at school today. yay??????????????
Get to sleep in tomorrow, TGIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hope you all have a great day! Enjoy your snow! We didn't even get more than a sprinkle.
Food for Thought
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
My New Favorite Quote!!!
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Jim's new baby
Monday, April 09, 2007
Long Time---No Talk
We were going to do Easter picnic and egg hunts with the Tracy's but Karson got a stick thrown up into his eye while riding a horse and had to be taken to Primary Children's Hospital to have 7 stitches put into his eye. They think he'll keep his vision, but he might have to have an artificial lens put in or something-OUCH!
Jim bought himself a tractor. Yup, a tractor. A big ole' 58 horse power 1956 John Deere beastie. Peyton is all sorts of excited. Not nearly as excited as his dad, though. He's going to go to Greeley, Colorado next week and pick it up. Why in the heck he needs a tractor is beyond me, but oh well! Boys and their toys!
Peyton's wrestling season is over--0-6 on the year. Yup, he's not a great wrestler. But, he got a couple of medals and he thinks that's wonderful. Allie is just being Allie. Nothing new going on with her. I think we finally got her mostly healthy for a change.
Well, I guess I better get back to my piles on my desk. I have my ipod on today. I'm ignoring my office--hehehe. It's low enough that I can still hear people around me and the phone. I downloaded Evanescence's new album--so good!
Later guys! Love ya!
Monday, April 02, 2007
C ya!
Hey, It's Monday Again!
Nicole had her twins yesterday at about 12:30. It all went smoothly and they look great. Eli came first and he was 7 lb 10 oz (Yikes) and Nash was second and he was 6 lb even. Still not sure whether they are fraternal or identical. Kyle said he thought they weren't identical but I talked to Donna after she visited Nicole at the hospital last night and she thought they looked the same other than size.....so who knows. I haven't seen them yet but I saw a pic on Donna's camera. They both have dark hair, not a ton, and Nicole looks great. I guess when you only gain 20 lbs and almost 14 of that is baby, you can't help but look good when it's over.
Richard and Donna and family were in town to ski. Guess it's their kids Spring Break. So we all got together at Nate's last night for dessert. It was good to see their family again, we see them so rarely. Jordan took his friend, Tara, too. She's really a nice girl. Hope we didn't overwhelm her.
Well, better go check that ground beef or it will be midnight before we eat. I dont' know why I didn't think to get it out this morning. I made my menu last week, so I knew what we were having. Poor excuse for a brain!