Karla, to answer your question as best I can, this is what I know.
My body will (probably already has) start producing antibodies that will cross over the placenta and start destroying the baby's red blood cells if the baby is RH+. At this point of this pregnancy I won't produce enough antibodies to do much of anything. It seems to be a cumulative type of thing, where each successive pregnancy gets worse.
There are treatments and therapies they can do to minimize the damage. A lady on a Pregnancy board shared with me some of what it's like. She's having her 3rd baby following sensitization. They monitor the blood flow to the baby's brain with Ultrasound. If it is high then they monitor it weekly. If it's still high, and depending on the gestational age of the baby, they will do one of a couple of things. If the baby is still too young, they will do a blood transfusion into the umbilical cord (done like an amniocentesis). If the baby is close to term, they will do amnio to determine the lung maturity and deliver the baby ASAP by C-section. Babies sometimes need to have a blood exchange after birth and often spend time in NICU for jaundice.
Sound fun???
I just wish I knew why Rhogam failed this time. As I looked at the list of possible ways our blood supplies could have mixed, I didn't have any of them. I guess I'm in the 2% where it just happens with no explanation.
So, long answer to question, this baby will be fine. Not sure what would happen to the next one if there was to be one. Lots of soul searching for me in the future.
Thanks for the concern. The ironic part is that I've always told my Doc that I wish he could give me a medical reason to be done, it would be so much easier to have that decision made for me. And now I pretty much have a medical reason and I'm sad about it. Fickle female.
K right now
12 years ago