Can I get off this crazy ride?

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Wow, what a summer! I'm thinking we bit off way more than we wanted to chew. We've just finished up 6 days of welch/yorgason family fun. Spent two days at Nate's place in Fairview, then Lagoon on Fri, parks on Sat, Church/family meeting and dinner on Sunday, and FHE last night. I think all the out of town people have gone home by now.

We will have Rodney's daughter, L, living with us for the next month, until she can get into her aprt. She will be attending BYU in Sept. It ought to be fun, but she's a really nice girl and we look forward to getting to know her better.

Does anyone have any objections to pizza and salad in the park for dinner on Sat after H's baptism? I'm thinking that will be a very easy thing. No vacuuming! And a playground for kiddo's. And the time got changed from 5 pm to 4:30 pm because there are so many kids being baptized this month....Hope that is not a logistics problem for any of you.

Mom, so excited about your Bluff house. Can't wait to go see it. Hope you had a nice ride to NM.

Well, I need to go shower and make a shopping list.....My fridge is pretty bare.

Talk to you soon!

are we all dead?

Hi Everyone,

I have a few minutes to say Hi. I am going to Farmington NM for a funeral for my cousins's husband. I will ride down with a couple of cousins from Blanding. I thought I should go and represent Mom's side of the family. I guess that is the perk of being retired. I can go and do what I please. I think I am going to Bluff tomorrow with Karl and stay while he does a run or two. Ed Booher will be there on Thursday to move his things, so I think Karl and I will go again so that we can talk to him about the Jacuzzi and the watering system and timer for outside and things like that. We need to get all the utlities put into our name.
We had a pretty good rain last night. Smelled and sounded so good.

I need to go gas up my car and get to Blanding. Talk to you later. LaRue

Dog Daze of Summer--

Monday, July 16, 2007

Yes, I know it's supposed to be Days, but right now I feel like I'm in a daze. It's so hot!! I'm tired of feeling sticky and icky all the time. I'm ready for fall. I wish that fall would last for 6 months of the year.

Apparently we're all too busy to blog, or in my case, too lazy. Things at work have slowed down enough that I can finally take a breather every now and again. Nothing new going on in my world--same old same old. Wendy took Peyton with her girls to swimming lessons today. THANK YOU!!! You're a life saver. Allie started her piano lessons. I think she'll like it. I hope so. I've actually really enjoyed having the piano there. I play it quite a bit. A few primary songs before bed each night.

Well, I have to go, work's about over and I dropped my computer off at the repair place. It's been running sooo slow and gluggy that I finally caved and decided to pay the money and have it degunked and have new spyware and virus protection. Should be done tomorrow.

Take care--love you all!


Saturday, July 14, 2007

I think it is time to connect again. It is quite hard to blog when everyone has just been together, but we need to anyway. I just got a call from Corbin saying he was coming up, but it is 10:30 and I am about ready for bed. I guess I can just leave the door open and the light on.
I worked at the temple today. I didn't cough while I was there and haven't coughed much since then. I hope I am about over this stuff (again)
We have had enough hot weather, but I guess we will just keep on going. We surely do need to get some rain. It is hard to find the energy to work outside in the heat, as I guess you already know that. I did shampoo the sewing room and living room carpet and they look much better. I need to do it every couple of weeks. I even washed a few windows, but I have a bunch left to do. I think that I will not plan to walk in the race on the 21st,. I'm sure that is not a surprise to anyone.
Well, I am very tired and am going to hit the sack. We love you all and hope all is well with you.
Love Mom


Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Is anyone out there?????????????????there????????????????????there?????????????????

All I'm getting is an echo................echo.......................echo.............................

Hope you're all well. I think we finally are and so we are planning to zip down for Thursday's happenings.

I'll call you Mom, when I know my itinerary for sure......

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